Hello! I have been thinking for a long time that I should start a blog:) Be kind as I have no experience with it. My friend Amanda Goodwill @ Amanda Goodwill Designs designed the blog header for me. If you ever need anything designed contact her she is da bomb. I am curious if anyone will read this. My mom may be the only one, oh wait she doesn't even know how to google! Well my daughter for sure, she is of course more computer savvy than I am. I am going to focus on photography but I think I may include other things. I know some people have family blogs as well but there is no way I could do two. I have photographed 17 weddings so far this season( I am not planning on blogging all those) but would like to do some with all my favorites and also blog current weddings. Or I may not stick with it you know how that goes:) Anyway if anyone is out there reading this, I really appreciate your readership! Here goes my first one! The pics are a bit out of order but it is 1 A.M. and it has taken me hours just to get this far.
Lauren & Art came from Hawaii to get married in Falconer, N.Y. It was a beautiful wedding, they got married in a cute little church and their reception was held at the brides family property. Lauren is gorgeous, can any one say super model? Art was her perfect match and was tons of fun! The pictures below speak for themselves. Lauren & Art-Thanks for letting me share in your special day :)

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